Farm Animals List In Spanish

Goat cabra milk transportation.
Farm animals list in spanish. What is your favorite farm animal. Farm animals in Spanish vocabulary list with audio text video. There are a few native animals to Spain including the Black Iberian Pig where the expensive pata negra serrano ham comes from not to mention the Toro Bravo the fighting bull.
Use the player below to listen to and repeat the pronunciation of the words in Spanish. A preschool lesson on farm animals in Spanish through comprehensible input. Youll also need the same farm animal flashcards.
Look below for Spanish to English translations of many animal words and sentences. Here you have a list with 50 names of animals to practice and expand your vocabulary. There are many types of printables available to use for farm animal activities in Spanish.
Duck pato food. They also teach preschoolers about how different species live. Teach practice the vocab After playing for a while collect all of the toys and put them away keeping la vaca el perro la oveja el pato y el cerdo out.
There are particularly interesting bull farms. La vaca La vaca produce leche para alimentar a sus terneros. Barn el establo.
Food clothing and protection. Farm The farm has many animals. Farm Animals Animales de granja English Inglés Spanish Español Spanunciation Bull Toro búol Cow Vaca káu Chicken Pollo chéken Chick Pollito chek Donkey Burro dánki Goat Cabra góut Horse Caballo jors Pig Cerdo peg Rabbit Conejo rébet Sheep.