Heart Murmur In Cats Grade 3

This grade is categorized as loud by veterinarians.
Heart murmur in cats grade 3. All murmurs louder than grade 3 are pathologic. More if there is more complication. Heart Murmurs in Adult Cats.
As with puppies a heart murmur that is grade III or higher continuous still present at 6 months heard best on the right or that it is getting worse should be evaluated. Alex had a heart murmur though we dont know what grade. Can cats live a long time with a heart murmur.
Left sided systolic heart murmur is the most common. A heart murmur is an unusual sound that can be heard with a stethoscope when listening to a cats heartbeat. Often heart murmurs in young animals including humans are benign and outgrown.
Even if the results of your cats testing doesnt indicate any serious disease it might mean that he cant be put under anesthesia for any necessary future surgeries. Grade 3 is a moderate heart murmur and it doesnt have to mean your cat has leukaemia it could simply be anaemia. Heart murmurs at a grade three are considered moderately loud.
Hed purr while eating. My cat loki has a heart murmur that is grade 3. Many dogs and cats with heart murmurs will live long happy healthy.
Grade 5 6. He is 6 12 years old with no other issues other than needing to lose a pound or two he weighs about 14lbs. Heart murmurs in cats are not common even as kittens.