Tropical Rainforest Location Latitude

Location and climate Location of tropical rainforest climate.
Tropical rainforest location latitude. Tropical rainforests are characterized by dense vegetation seasonally warm temperatures and abundant rainfall. The tropical rainforest is generally found between 10 N and 10 S latitude at elevations below 3000 feet. Brazil Madagascar NE Australia.
The largest rainforests are in the Amazon in Brazil South America Demographic Republic of Congo Africa and Indonesia South East Asia. These forests experience rainfall throughout the year with minimal dry seasons in between. The three main places where a tropical rain forest can be found are.
There are three major disjunct formations. This biome has developed infact in true equatorial climatic region though in some areas the spatial coverage of this biome far extends beyond the equator. Relict patches of temperate rainforest survive in Europe in the Alps Great Britain Iceland Ireland and Norway.
Along coasts windward to the trades in E. Tropical rainforest location latitude. The tropical rainforest is found on and close to the equator.
The latitude for Amazon Rainforest Codajás - State of Amazonas Brazil is. The location of the tropical rainforest is around the equator. You will find tropical rainforest biomes in Australia the Southeast of Asia the Southern portion if India and South America.
Atlantic Rainforest Mata Atlântica African Zaire Basin with an outlier in West Africa. Longitude is an inappropriate measure tropical forests are constrained by latitude and geography not longitude. Elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude rainforest can found in Japan and Korea.