Tundra Habitat Animals And Plants

A complex community of plants and animals in a region and a climate is called a biome.
Tundra habitat animals and plants. When the snow melts the tough grasses mosses and. The tundra is home to the arctic fox wolverines polar bears northern bog lemmings muskox arctic terns muskoxen and snow buntings. The dominant plant species of tundra habitats are sedges low and dwarf shrubs and graminoids interspersed with forbs in addition to mat and cushion-forming plants and scattered bryophytes nonvascular plants.
Polar bears yaks mountain goats snowy owls and arctic foxes are just a few of the unique animals found living in the tundra biome. Notable animals in the arctic tundra include reindeer caribou musk ox arctic hare arctic fox snowy owl lemmings and even. The habitat has a long and brutal winter and the barren landscape provides many challenges.
Besides the animals that inhabit the tundra year-round there are. However the further you go up a mountain the less diverse it gets. Below are some really neat facts about the arctic tundra.
Snow covers the ground for nine months of the year when plants cannot grow. A mountains habitat is unlike any other. Many animals found on the tundra are migratory species moving in to eat the plants in the summer but leaving again before the hard winter.
The arctic tundra is a harsh environment that only the toughest plants and animals can survive in. Due to the large number of small rodents and mammals predators such as arctic foxes and snowy owls also inhabit the tundra. Tundra wildlife includes small mammalssuch as Norway lemmings Lemmus lemmus arctic hares Lepis arcticus and arctic ground squirrels Spermophilus parryii and large mammals such as caribou Rangifer tarandus.
Home to animals including Arctic foxes Vulpes lagopus polar bears Ursus maritimus gray wolves Canis lupus caribou Rangifer tarandus snow geese Anser caerulescens and musk oxen Ovibos moschatus the Arctic tundra is changing in broad and somewhat unpredictable ways as global average temperatures rise. The plants growing in the alpine climate and at a higher elevation above the tree line are called alpine plants. One ragbandana or cloth for each student using three different colors for the class Arctic Species cards included Background The arctic is home to plants and animals adapted to take advan-tage of its unique climate.