Warrior Cats Firestar And Sandstorm

Warrior cats firestar and sandstorm.
Warrior cats firestar and sandstorm. Firestar Fireheart at the time had saved Sandstorm from falling into the gorge and suggested to Bluestar after a battle that she and Dustpelt fought like warriors earning her her. He says Firestar trusted her because she loved him above all and would never sacrifice his life for the Clan. At first she behaved rude towards Firepaw and teased him along with her friend Dustpaw about his kittypet origins.
Warrior cats sandstorm and firestar is a totally free png image with transparent background and its resolution is 12001023. He didnt know who it was at first but then relised it was his mate Sandstorm. Firestar goes to sleep in Smudges garden to try and dream of the strange cats in his dream-which are revealed later to be SkyClan cats.
His nephew was old enough to be an apprentice and was given to Fireheart to train. He turned to see Sandstorm stalking a mouse. Sandstorm made Firestar believe he was doing the right thing to fight the cats from Twolegplace.
Sandstorm is a light ginger she-cat with green eyes. The ThunderClan cats were lurking in the camp. Firestar nodded and left the den with a heavy heart.
Sandstorm said and gently licked his cheek with her tongue. Sandstorm purred and pressed her muzzle into the fur on his chest Fireheart purred back at her and gently pushed his muzzle deep into the fur on her head. He raced to find his mate being draged away by twolegs.
Firestar warriors warriorcats cats thunderclan bluestar riverclan shadowclan erinhunter windclan tigerstar sandstorm starclan graystripe jayfeather warrior scourge lionblaze hollyleaf. Despite her illness Sandstorm insisted on joining Firestar Cloudtail and Brightheart on a hunting trip. She was an apprentice with Firestar but then she was known as Sandpaw.